
“Working with Kimôh the wardrobe has always been acted as a second skin for the body and movement. One more character within the integral dramaturgy of the play.” - Antonio Ruz

With this dance-piece, Antonio was working on the slippery notion of the present, which implies delving into time and impulses, the past and the future, the ephemeral and volatile nature of the now.

An altering piece in which the five dancers build their own performance space while choreographies and images unfold in a poetry that moves between chaos and beauty, between that which is ephemeral and eternal.

The costumes were part of that evolutive concept - as the dancers started the performance naked and were including them progressively in their "present".

In that sense, the garments were fully part of the construction of the piece in both a narrative and scenographic way.

The timeless and culturally neutral aspect of the Kimôh, yet related to our current form of dressing up, helped to introduce the notion of dress codes in society in general, as well as the differentiation of identities in a normative system.